Digital Marketing Campaign Case Study : KBOO Community Radio Spring 2018 Membership Drive
The following case study details my process in creating the Spring 2018 Membership Drive digital marketing campaign celebrating the 50th anniversary of KBOO Community Radio in Portland, OR.

What was my role? Graphic Designer & Digital Marketer
How did I decide my creative direction and strategy? I was inspired by the vast archive that KBOO had recently put on display at the Oregon Historical Society. When I started the project, I combed through the digitized archive to curate my vision from thousands of ephemeral images.
What are the goals & outcomes of this digital campaign? This campaign ran for two weeks to support KBOO's Spring 2018 membership drive, a bi-annual event aimed at raising over $100k and adding new members to the organization. The graphics supported a specific mission of utilizing the archives while also attracting new listeners between the ages of 25 and 35.
Who did I collaborate with? Development Director & Web / New Media Coordinator
Who were the stakeholders affected by my work? KBOO Board, Volunteers, Employees, Listeners, and Greater-Portland Community
We focused on the message, "Make History. Support KBOO." from the beginning and then drew on the more profound meaning from there. I directly collaborated with the Development Director to hone messaging that would appeal to the Millenial listener while inspiring older generations to help fund media makers of the future. The image below shows some of the brainstorming sessions for the campaign.
It was my privilege to spend an afternoon digging through the digital archive compiled of KBOO ephemera from the last 50 years. I was instantly attracted to a beautiful pen drawing of the iconic St. John's Bridge and started conceptualizing from there.

After looking more closely at the monthly program guides from the early 1970s, I decided to play with pairing flat graphics with a subtle halftone background. I then updated KBOO's current brand standards with softer pastel tones more akin to springtime.

From there, the ideas began to flow, I took a little time to play with the typography on paper, then moved into digitally illustrating the bridge. I found the halftone background nicely alluded to springtime in Portland through sunny yellow and misty grey colors.

I was delighted with the outcome of this project as I felt it kept in-line with the eclectic nature of community radio while celebrating an archive of vibrant visuals. The assets I created were used on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,, and the KBOO iOS / Android apps.

I started playing with graphic design in 2001, when I got my first copy of Photoshop. I learned how to paint using the computer and made lots of terrible graphics for my LiveJournal. In college, I studied fashion, which allowed me to learn about design, illustration, creativity from a product-based standpoint. I never dreamed of running my own fashion label. Instead, I chose to apply my skills to a variety of creative projects across many industries.